Andrews Sports Medicine and American Sports Medicine Institute Medical Student Research Fellowship
- Full-year (May 2025 – April 2026) medical student clinical research fellowship focusing on sports medicine outcomes research and clinical trials (sub-focus in shoulder, elbow, hip, and knee surgical outcomes; rehabilitation and physical activity outcomes)
- Opportunities for observation in motion capture research, cadaveric and tissue biomechanics research, and surgical technique training
- Lead, contribute to, and/or author clinically-impactful research generated from a high-volume, sports medicine orthopaedic practice
Responsibilities and Role
With oversight from the American Sports Medicine Institute (ASMI) clinical research team and the attendings at Andrews Sports Medicine and Orthopaedic Center (ASMOC):
- Conceptualize, create, and maintain high-fidelity study datasets
- Perform electronic health record reviews to collect demographic, surgical, and other relevant clinical data
- Operate within and regularly-update a web-based surgical outcomes data repository for existing studies
- Lead and participate in the collection of outcomes data from patients/study participants via phone calls, email, and data repositories
- For newly-conceptualized studies, assist in developing protocols for Institutional Review board (IRB) approval
- Produce graphs, tables, figures, and images as needed for presentation or publication
- Write, edit, and lead the synthesis of manuscripts to be submitted for peer-reviewed publication
- Have a foundational understanding of sports medicine and orthopedics regarding anatomy and treatment options
- Work as an effective team-member and leader
- Maintain clear and consistent communication regarding project needs in order to maximize efficiency and productivity
- Proactively and intuitively solve problems while also bringing new ideas for research and manuscript synthesis from existing data or for future data collection
- Provide medical school application advice to premedical clinical research interns
- Attention to detail and timely and accurate data collection and contributions to studies
- Maintain patient/participant privacy and professionalism at all times
- Work-hours may coincide with clinic and OR hours (early start times, as needed)
- Lead and contribute to studies from start to finish in a cutting-edge sports medicine practice
- Exposure to a high-volume of orthopaedic surgeries, studies, patients, imaging, clinical exams, biomechanics, and more
- Potential to bolster CV for residency application with authorship on publications/abstracts
- Potential for letters of recommendation for residency applications
- Stipend will be provided during year-long commitment
This position has been filled for 2025-2026. We will begin accepting applications for the 2026-2027 cohort in early 2026. Thank you
See link below; please include the following information
- Your name, current medical school, and email address
- Upload your updated/current CV
- Upload 2 letters of recommendation
- Upload a 500-word (maximum) statement of interest
For questions please contact ASMI Director of Clinical Research, Matt Ithurburn, DPT, PhD at