The Orthopaedic Sports Medicine Fellowship program administered by ASMI is located at St. Vincent’s Birmingham. The Fellows rotate through the services of Program Director Dr. Jeff Dugas, and faculty members Dr. Lyle Cain, and Dr. Benton Emblom to gain maximum exposure to different philosophies and procedures.
All educational and research activities and resources for the program are provided by ASMI.
ASMI Fellowship
The basic educational method of the Fellowship programs involves the Fellows and faculty working side-by-side in all aspects of patient care.
The Fellows spend 80 percent of their time in direct patient care in the clinic, operating rooms, rehabilitation, and follow-up. As surgical first assistants, the Fellows are integral participants in the pre-operative counseling and instruction of the injured athlete and in provision of surgical care.
Fellows conduct clinical research under the supervision of Matt Ithurburn, PhD and the ASMI Clinical research staff. Each fellow is required to complete at least one basic science or clinical research project and prepare a publication-ready manuscript in order to successfully complete the program.
Fellows are assigned one college and high school each, where they care for athletic teams on a regular basis. They also participate in pre-participation physicals for high school, college and professional athletes.
Weekly Sports Medicine Conferences are conducted for the Fellows, as well as a monthly Journal Club. Fellows are required to attend and actively participate in these educational meetings. Periodically, ASMI invites national and internationally known surgeons to visit and provide Distinguished Lectures, exposing the Fellows to an even wider range of treatment philosophies. Funding is also provided for the fellows to attend the major (AAOS and AOSSM) orthopaedic meetings each year.
Extensive time is spent learning and using the latest protocols for rehabilitation of sports medicine injuries. Renowned physical therapist Kevin Wilk, DPT is an integral part of this experience. Post-operative re-checks are typically conducted in the physical therapy center so that the physical therapist and physician see the patient as a team so that the patient’s progress is closely monitored and the rehabilitation protocol is adjusted based on the patient’s progress.
This fellowship program participates in the AANA/AOSSM Sports Medicine Match administered by the SF Match for the application, interview, and selection process. All applicants must be Board-eligible, qualify for an Alabama medical license and have graduated from an ACGME or COA accredited orthopaedic residency program in the United States or Canada. Unfortunately, we cannot accept applications from Foreign Medical Graduates. Click here for the SF Match.
View Fellows

For more information about the ASMI at St. Vincent’s program, please contact Jan Flurry at (205) 918-2146 (phone)
or (205) 918-0800 (fax).
To provide a wide range of inpatient and outpatient clinical experience in orthopaedic sports medicine during a year-long fellowship.
To increase knowledge and improve medical judgment, surgical skills, and total management of patients with sports medicine problems.
To instruct and supervise Fellows in following patients from initial encounter and diagnosis through rehabilitation.
To assign Fellows to work with and develop a trusting relationship and inspire confidence with athletic teams on the field and in the training room.
To participate in ongoing programs such as pre-participation physicals and rehabilitation for high school, college, and professional teams.
To develop an appreciation for the role of biomechanics and expertise in biomechanical research in sports medicine.
To instill the desire to know the latest techniques and studies in the field.
To develop the discipline and skills necessary to conduct credible research.
To produce capable physicians willing to teach others by sharing their knowledge and expertise.