1998 - American Sports Medicine Institute



  1. James R Andrews: Introduction. In Byrd JWT (ed): Operative Hip Arthroscopy. New York: Thieme Medical Publishers, Inc., 1998
  2. James R Andrews, Glenn S Fleisig: Preventing throwing injuries (editorial) J Orthop Sports Phys Ther. 1998 Mar;27(3):187-8. 1998 [Reprinted with permission in Sports Med Update 13(2):4-9, 1998
  3. James R. Andrews, S. Wendell Holmes, Jr.: Arthroscopic excision of olecranon osteophytes in the throwing athlete. In: TR Norris (ed): Orthopaedic Knowledge Update: Shoulder and Elbow. Rosemont, IL: American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgery, pp 311-323, 1998
  4. James R. Andrews, Gary Harralson, Kevin E. Wilk (eds): Physical Rehabilitation of the Injured Athlete, 2nd ed. Philadelphia: WE Saunders, 1998
  5. James R. Andrews, Yvonne E. Satterwhite: Elbow and forearm trauma. In: Johnson RJ, Lombardo J: Current Review of Sports Medicine, 2nd ed. Philadelphia, Current Medicine, Inc., 1998
  6. James R. Andrews, Bertram Zarins, Kevin E. Wilk (eds): Injuries in Baseball. Philadelphia: Lippincott-Raven, 1998
  7. SW Barrentine, GS Fleisig, JA Whiteside, RF Escamilla, JR Andrews: Biomechanics of windmill softball pitching with implications about injury mechanisms at the shoulder and elbow. J Orthop Sports Phys Ther. 1998 Dec;28(6):405-15.
  8. SW Barrentine, T Matsuo, RF Escamilla, GS Fleisig, JR Andrews: Kinematic analysis of the wrist and forearm during baseball pitching. J Applied Biomechanics 14(1):24-39, 1998
  9. TE Baumgarten, JR Andrews, YE Satterwhite: The arthroscopic classification and treatment of osteochondritis dessicans of the capitellum. Am J Sports Med. 1998 Jul-Aug;26(4):520-3.
  10. William G. Clancy, Jr, Scott D. Martin: Failed reconstruction of posterolateral instability of the knee. In: Marder RA, Zarins B (eds): Revision of Failed Arthroscopic and Ligament Surgery. Blackwell Science, Inc, 1998
  11. William G. Clancy, Jr, Marc P Pietropaoli: Revision anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction using the “anatomic-endoscopic” method. Tech Orthop 13(4):391-410, 1998
  12. RF Escamilla, GS Fleisig, N Zheng, SW Barrentine, KE Wilk, JR Andrews: Biomechanics of the knee during closed kinetic chain and open kinetic chain exercises. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 1998 Apr;30(4):556-69.
  13. RF Escamilla, GS Fleisig, SW Barrentine, N Zheng, JR Andrews: Kinematic comparisons of throwing different types of baseball pitches. J Applied Biomechanics 14(1):1-23, 1998
  14. Fagan KM. Pharmacologic management of athletic amenorrhea. Clin Sports Med. 1998 Apr;17(2):327-41. PMID: 9580845
  15. Glajchen N, Schwartz ML, Andrews JR, Gladstone J: Avulsion fracture of the sublime tubercle of the ulna: A newly recognized injury in the throwing athlete. AJR Am J Roentgenol. 1998 Mar;170(3):627-8.
  16. Holmes Jr SW, Clancy Jr WG: Clinical classification of patellofemoral pain and dysfunction. J Orthop Sports Phys Ther. 1998 Nov;28(5):299-306.
  17. Stephen L Lyman, Glenn S Fleisig, James R Andrews, E David Osinski: Youth pitching injuries. Sports Med Update 13(2):4-9, 1998
  18. Wilk KE. Challenging tradition in the treatment of patellofemoral disorders. J Orthop Sports Phys Ther. 1998 Nov;28(5):275-6. PMID: 9925415
  19. Wilk KE, Davies GJ, Mangine RE, Malone TR: Patellofemoral disorders: A classification system and clinical guidelines for nonoperative rehabilitation. J Orthop Sports Phys Ther. 1998 Nov;28(5):307-22.
  20. Zheng N, Fleisig GS, Escamilla RF, Barrentine SW: An analytical model of the knee for estimation of internal forces during exercises. J Biomech. 1998 Oct;31(10):963-7.